Tuesday 27 October 2015

ISYS100 Group5 Video

Here is our VLOG for our ISYS100 course.

In it we discuss:
  • Movies we have seen at some point and what we think about them.
  • Forthcoming movies we are looking forward to seeing.
  • Favourite movies/top three etc.
We hope you find it interesting.


Wednesday 14 October 2015

The Martian

Premiere Poster - Fox Movies

This movie adaption of the self-published novel by author Andy Weir really is a great film and well deserving of its current box office success.

There is a truism that continually does the rounds in Hollywood and that is, that science fiction particularly hard Sci-fi, is a recipe for financial disaster Obviously they have not ever heard of Star Wars, Avatar and Aliens and many many more. 
I have actually had people argue with me and tell me that Avatar or Star Wars are not Sci-fi, they are action films. As if the two have to be mutually exclusive.

This movie tells the story of a manned mission to Mars, with six astronauts one of whom is botanist Mark Watney (Damon). They are tasked with bringing back samples when the mission is thrown into disarray when heavy weather causes the mission to be aborted.
Mark is hit by flying debris and presumed lost; his communications and telemetry both no longer sending a signal and he is presumed dead. The other five, played by Jessica Chastain, Kate Mara, Sebastian Stan, Aksel Hennie and Michael Peña, have no choice but to head back to Earth.

It turns out he is alive but stranded and that is what the story is about. His fight for survival on a hostile planet with limited resources. It will be years before he can be rescued and this will be a real fight for survival.

Fox Movies

He channels his inner MacGyver and uses scientific knowledge and all his physical and mental strength to grow food, build shelter, repair and create tools and equipment and the list goes on.
As Mark says, “I’m going to have to science the s--- out of this.” and it is a very apt description for what he has to do to survive.

Fox Movies

It is an eminently watchable film and if you love sci-fi, space exploration and seeing how the ingenuity of man can rise above his circumstances and the environment in which he lives this is a must see film.

Fox Movies

Ridley Scott has produced this paean to hard Science Fiction and he should be applauded for it. We need more of this type of film to generate interest in manned space programs and to show people what the human race could be capable of. Andy Weir did his research when he wrote the book upon which this is based and everything you see in this film could be possible right now. This film isn't fantasy, it is a possible reality.

Fox Movies

5 Stars

Tuesday 13 October 2015

Movie Review - Yes Man (2008) Peyton Reed

Hello, Crazy Movie Lovers!

Sometimes, life can be tough. I often complain when my boss leaves me too much works that I have to stay late to finish the tasks, and I get tired. I might have been rejecting things around me by making up some excuses. Do you have similar experiences like mine? Have you been saying "NO" to your friends, or anyone on the street because you're too busy? It's not late yet! Jim Carrey will give you a life changing lesson through this movie, "Yes Man". 


Official Synopsis:
Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) is stuck in a rut with his negative ways. Then he goes to a self-help seminar and learns to unleash the power of yes. Living in the affirmative leads him to all sorts of amazing and transforming experiences; he gets a job promotion, and even finds a new romance. But Carl finds that too much of anything, even positive thinking, is not necessarily a good thing.


While I was watching this movie, it kept reminding me that his lifestyle seems somewhat familiar to me. Yes, it was me. I often used the word, "No" to anyone, anything I'm not comfortable with. I said "No" when my colleague asked me a favour because I was busy, I said "No" when some random guy hand out flyers on the street because simply I wasn't interested regardless of what the flyers are about.


I believe it isn't just me who dreams of some fantasy happening in my life. Many people today, they are not satisfied with their lives, and they get tired of routinely repeated lifestyle. However, we often find ourselves refuse to changes. The movie, "Yes Man" teaches us a guideline to accept the change and take the opportunity ahead of you. The ultimate solution of life change is quite simple. Say "Yes". It tells you don't think about the consequences, what you're giving up, or try to measure its value and compare with others, whatever you're thinking. Just say "Yes". You may find the fantasy you have been dreaming of. 


Will you visit us everyday? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Movie Review - I Saw The Devil(2009) Kim Jee Woon

Hello, Crazy Movie Lovers!

The movie I'm going to introduce today is one of my favourite Korean Movies, "I Saw The Devil". 
This movie has become one of my favourites not just because the movie is well-made, but my favourite two Korean actors, Choi-Min-Sik and Lee Byung-Hun are acting in this movie! For some of you might be familiar with these names as they acted in some Hollywood movies such as "Lucy"(2014) Luc Besson and "G.I Joe: The Rise of Cobra"(2009) Stephen Sommers. Although the movies weren't quite successful in the U.S market, I'm happy to see some of the Korean actors to be seen in Hollywood movies and hopefully more Korean actors take important roles in Hollywood movies in the future. 

I think you heard enough of my personal opinions, so let's get back to "I Saw The Devil". 
Please be advised that the movie contains violent scenes, so if you do not wish to be exposed to such contents, please go back to home page and enjoy other non-violent movies listed. 


The official synopsis:
On a dark road, taxi driver Kyung-chul (Min-sik Choi) comes across a scared female motorist stranded in a broken-down vehicle. He pulls over -- but not to help her. When the woman's head is discovered in a local river, her devastated fiancé, Kim Soo-hyeon (Byung-hun Lee), a trained secret agent, becomes obsessed with hunting down her killer. Once he finds Kyung-chul, things get twisted. After brutally beating the murderer, Kim lets him go free, and a demented game of cat and mouse begins.


At the beginning of the movie, it may look obvious who the devil is. The psychopathic murderer, Kyung-chul (Min-sik Choi). The ways of how he kills his victims shocks viewers and make them doubt that he is a human being like us. I was actually getting sick while I was watching his cruelty and merciless ways of killing the victims. On the other hand, a trained secret agent, Kim Soo-hyeon(Byung-hun Lee) who lost his fiance by Kyung-Chul, has lived a normal life like everyone else. However, his life changes entirely after he loses his fiance.

As the story goes on, people may think that it's a typical movie which a good guy punishes a bad guy, end of story. However, if you watch it more carefully, you will find that the movie is hiding a message about the nature of human. As Kim Soo-hyeon repeatedly chases Kyung-chul and let him go, the ways how Kim Soo-hyeon punishes Kyung-Chul becomes more cruel and cruel until the point viewers get confused who the real evil was. 


Who do you think the evil in this movie? The psychopathic murderer, Kyung-chul(Min-Sik Choi)? or the innocent guy who wants his revenge for her fiance, Kim Soo-hyeon(Byung-hun Lee)? 
You may find a devil inside you. 



John Wick (2014) - Movie Review

John Wick Promotional Poster - Lionsgate

John Wick is the 2014 action film directed by Chad Stahelski. It follows the story of John Wick (Keanu Reeves) an ex-hitman, who goes out of retirement to track down the gangsters who killed his dog.
The premise of the movie sounds pretty ridiculous but that’s the intention of the film. It doesn’t take itself too seriously and it is really an homage to B action movies from the 90s. It is full of stylish fighting, stereotypical villains and a clichéd story arc.
The director does a good job creating this ‘underground’ world within which the movie takes place and it is enough to keep you hooked until the end. The soundtrack is very reminiscent of old action movies.


Overall, the movie offers a mindless, fun experience. If you go into the movie you have to switch your brain off and suspend your disbelief in order to enjoy it as it’s intended to be enjoyed.

3 Stars

Breaking Bad - Series 6 - Episode One

The recently leaked and much anticipated sixth season is all that fans could have hoped for and more. Shooting is still underway due to scheduling issues, but hopefully we will see season six released mid next year.

I have been privileged enough to watch the final visual edit without music scoring for the first episode and have seen the script for a further 2 episodes which I will cover in later posts. I will give you a short synopsis of them being careful to not reveal too much, but hopefully it will give you some idea of the treat you are in for.

The first episode opens with a scene in a jail cell where someone is being beaten viciously by some prisoners. As the shot opens out you can see Walter White in prison greens standing in the doorway watching it calmly with a prison guard by his side, also looking on.
This alone tells you that Heisenberg is back in business and his transformation is seemingly complete.

After the opening titles we go back to where we left season five. We witness police and and ambulance dealing with the crime scene at the compound where Walter White was injured and last seen dying surrounded by the chemistry lab where Pinkman was kept as a meth cook slave at the end of season five.

Without to many spoilers, Walter White is seen being taken away to hospital, all filmed from his hazy semi-conscious perspective laying on a gurney, and as you might guess from the fact we have a new season to enjoy, he does live. At least for a bit longer.

A brief outline of the plot for the first episode and some selected content from the scripts for episodes 2 and  3 is as follows:

  • Walter in prison hospital alone but we do see his wife. I will say no more about that meeting but it is important and involves a fortune and a treasure hunt and a continuation of their truce.
  • Walter being arraigned and held in a prison hospital.
  • Saul is back from hiding out and this time he has his work cut out to say the least. All I will say is it is a good thing the judicial system can be as dishonest as the criminals they put on trial.
  •  A meeting and a developing relationship with a strange priest who wants to save Walters "soul", which becomes important to the plot as the season proceeds.
  • Without saying whether he is found guilty or not and spoiling it, I can say that the wording on one of the past seasons "All Hail The King" becomes appropriate again whilst he is in jail, although it does take a few episodes to get there.
  • His cancer is still around but is being treated again. In fact the very invasive surgery he underwent after his gunshot injury brings some new facts to light about his cancer. I will say no more...

The end of the third episode sees him much recovered, in jail on remand but very busy with a new occupation and his skills and services much in demand.

Movie Review - Interstellar (2014) Christopher Nolan

Please play this video before you read my review!

    Interstellar Main Theme - Extra Extended - Soundtrack by Hans Zimmer

Warner Bros. Pictures

The official synopsis :
In Earth's future, a global crop blight and second Dust Bowl are slowly rendering the planet uninhabitable. Professor Brand (Michael Caine), a brilliant NASA physicist, is working on plans to save mankind by transporting Earth's population to a new home via a wormhole. But first, Brand must send former NASA pilot Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) and a team of researchers through the wormhole and across the galaxy to find out which of three planets could be mankind's new home.

Warner Bros. Pictures

Christopher Nolan's new science fiction film, Interstellar, is a story of a team of astronauts exploring a galaxy for habitable planets to colonize. In the movie, the earth is no longer suitable place to live for human beings. Over the decades, pollution has brought a lot of unusual climate changes including dust storms, failing crops, and famines, so the world's scientists and leaders came to a conclusion that humanity must find a new home among other planets.

Warner Bros. Pictures
One of the significant features of this movie is that the movie is based on scientific facts and realism. Christopher Nolan hired Kip Thorne as a scientific consultant and executive producer to express the scenes more realistically. The wormhole and black hole scenes where the spaceship is pulled in, are all filmed based on the scientific facts. Isn't that amazing? 
Warner Bros. Pictures

If the movie, "Gravity" by Alfonso Cuaron had given you impressions of fear of being left alone in the space, Interstellar will certainly amaze you with its fascinating graphics and colourful stars. By far, Interstellar has become the best space movie of my life. I would recommend this movie to anyone who would like to have a virtual experience of space, and to parents for child's educational purposes.  Are you ready to start your journey to galaxy?

4.5 Stars

Monday 12 October 2015

Jurassic World (2015) - Movie Review

Universal Pictures

 Jurassic World is the fourth installment of the ‘Jurassic Park’ series directed by Colin Trevorrow. The film stars Chris Pratt, Bryce Dallas Howard, Ty Simpkins and Nick Robinson. The official synopsis reads:
22 years after the original Jurassic Park failed, the new park (also known as Jurassic World) is open for business. After years of studying genetics the scientists on the park genetically engineer a new breed of dinosaur. When everything goes horribly wrong, will our heroes make it off the island?

As a standard science fiction/monster movie, this movie will certainly give you your money’s worth of dinosaurs, destruction and mayhem. However, for those who grew up watching the original “Jurassic Park” and have a sense of nostalgia to the original property, this movie is simply ‘meh’.

Universal Pictures

There are a few moments that capture the magic of the original but majority of the film is just random dinosaurs running around. The movie is entertaining and the action scenes are decent but overall the movie is forgettable. If I had to use one word to describe the story-line it is “Generic”. This films is just another paint by numbers summer blockbuster that doesn’t really offer anything new or unique but manages to keep you interest enough to stay until the end.

Universal Pictures

The performances in the film are fine even though this isn’t the type of movie that requires a lot of range.  The musical score is probably the highlight of the film, including music from the original film and mixing it some new tracks.
Overall, I left this movie neither disappointed but neither excited. It was a fun movie while it lasted but after watching it I forgot most of the action.

2.5 Stars